Thank you to our dear customer.【Japanese hair salon NINE BY SWEET BASIL】
⇧⇧⇧ 今回のヘアスタイルのご紹介! Hair stylist Yuri(city hall) We specialist in treatment such as hair cut. Thank you to our dear customer. 《NINE BY SWEET BASIL》 •City Hall• 26A PURVIS STREET Singapore188603...
View ArticleCool and Fashionable Ideas for Hair Dye in Singapore For Women With Long Hair
Even if hair dye DIYs are very tempting to try, there’s really nothing that beats a professional hair dye session with a highly rated salon in Singapore, especially if you are going for hair dyes that...
View ArticleNine by Sweet Basil is featured on Beauty Insider!
We are happy to be featured in an article “Best Korean and Japanese Hair Salons in Singapore for a New ‘You’“on Beauty Insider. Nine By Sweet Basil strives to serve you better. Cheers!
View ArticleThank you to our dear customer.【singapore japanese hair salon NINE BY SWEET...
⇧⇧⇧ 今回のヘアスタイルのご紹介! Hair stylist AYUMI Party hair style. Thank you to our dear customer. 《NINE BY SWEET BASIL》 •City Hall• 26A PURVIS STREET Singapore188603 tel:63373661 •Liangcourt• 177 River...
View ArticleThank you to our dear customer.
⇧⇧⇧ 今回のヘアスタイルのご紹介! Hair stylist YURI 巻いても巻かなくても可愛い重めボブ Thank you to our dear customer. 《NINE BY SWEET BASIL》 •City Hall• 26A PURVIS STREET Singapore188603 tel:63373661 •Liangcourt• 177...
View ArticleDegitalperm hair! Thank you to our dear customer.
⇧⇧⇧ 今回のヘアスタイルのご紹介! Hair stylist AYUMI Degitalperm hair(20mmー22mm) Thank you to our dear customer. 《NINE BY SWEET BASIL》 •City Hall• 26A PURVIS STREET Singapore188603 tel:63373661...
View ArticleWhy You Should Try Mucota Hair treatment in Singapore and Where To Get It
Many think that hair treatments are a luxury because they take effort, time and a whole lot of money. On top of that, finding a schedule in salons and planning your whole day around it isn’t exactly a...
View ArticleIncrease your femininity! The way to make beautiful curls【Japanese hair salon...
女性らしさアップ!奇麗な巻き髪の作方! Increase your femininity! The way to make beautiful curls 目標の長さまで髪が伸びたら、一度はやってみたいのが巻き髪ですね。 Once the hair grows to the desired length, one thing I want to try is curls....
View ArticleToo many hairstyling products to choose from! How to choose the correct...
アイテムが多すぎて迷う!ヘアスタイリング剤の選び方 Too many hairstyling products to choose from! How to choose the correct hairstyling product. 今使っているスタイリング剤から別のものに変えようと思っても、お店にズラッと並ぶ中から自分の髪質や癖にピッタリ合うも のがどれなのか判断が難しいですね。 Even...
View ArticleCauses of hair loss! Recommended frequency of shampooing
Many of you have probably heard that daily shampooing is the cause of hair loss. Is it really true? Overwashing causes aging of scalp and hair. Excessive hair washing damages the stratum corneum of...
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